Fellowship: Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellowships, 2021-2022

Bard Graduate Center (BGC) invites scholars from university, museum, and independent backgrounds with a PhD or equivalent professional experience to apply for non-stipendiary visiting fellowships, to be held during the 2021–22 academic year. BGC Visiting Fellowships, which are intended for scholars who have already secured means of funding, provide scholars with workspace in the BGCContinue reading “Fellowship: Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellowships, 2021-2022”

CFP: The Total Library: Aspirations for Complete Knowledge in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, deadline 1 September 2020

The 27th Biennial Conference of the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program of Barnard College (New York City) is seeking paper proposals for their online conference to be held December 5, 2020. According to Borges, “The fancy or the imagination or the utopia of the Total Library has certain characteristics that are easily confused with virtues.” This one-day conference willContinue reading “CFP: The Total Library: Aspirations for Complete Knowledge in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, deadline 1 September 2020”

10 Must-See Temporary Exhibitions in Summer 2018

The end of term is in sight and the days are getting longer. And that means we’re all daydreaming of summer. Whether your summer plans call for research or relaxation, take advantage of some stellar temporary exhibitions happening around the globe that are highlighting the production, context, and craftsmanship of medieval art. These exhibitions areContinue reading “10 Must-See Temporary Exhibitions in Summer 2018”

Lecture Series: Robert Branner Forum for Medieval Art, Columbia University

Robert Branner (1927-1973) was an art historian specializing in Gothic architecture and manuscript illumination. Active as an excavator, he made important discoveries in the chronology and style of French cathedrals, incorporating cultural historical tools into the method of design analysis that had more traditionally dominated architectural history. Branner is remembered through the Robert Branner Forum,Continue reading “Lecture Series: Robert Branner Forum for Medieval Art, Columbia University”

MEDIEVAL NEW YORK – The Annual Graduate Student Colloquium

MEDIEVAL NEW YORK – The Annual Graduate Student Colloquium, Friday, March 14, 2014 – 9:30 – 4:30 At Stony Brook Manhattan (101-113 East 27th Hosted by SUNY Stony Brook street at Park Avenue South) 9:15: Coffee and Danish Welcome: Joel Rosenthal, Stony Brook, this year’s chair 9:45 – 11:15: Sessions I, Chair: Brigitte Bedos-Rezak, NYU Katerina Robert Harris, NYU,Continue reading “MEDIEVAL NEW YORK – The Annual Graduate Student Colloquium”

Summer Course in Technical Art History, Institute of Fine Arts, New York

Summer Course in Technical Art History: The Artist’s Book: Materials and Processes (June 9-20, 2014) New York University, Institute of Fine Arts, Conservation Center Application deadline: Mar 24, 2014 The Conservation Center is pleased to announce the Summer Institute in Technical Art History 2014, a two-week intensive course in technical art history for students currently enrolled in or completing aContinue reading “Summer Course in Technical Art History, Institute of Fine Arts, New York”

Bard Graduate Center: The Material Text in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Europe

Upcoming symposium at the Bard Graduate Center (BGC) that might be of interest, The Material Text in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Europe, to take place on March 5. This symposium will consider inscribed texts from antiquity to the modern period with the aim of articulating shared problems or issues related to materiality, legibility, and literacy andContinue reading “Bard Graduate Center: The Material Text in Pre-Modern and Early Modern Europe”