CFP: Moyen Âge et séries. Numéro spécial de la revue « Médiévales : Langues, Textes, Histoire »

La revue Médiévales : Langues, Textes, Histoire envisage la publication en 2020 d’un numéro thématique provisoirement intitulé « Moyen Âge et séries ». Les séries occupent une place croissante dans les pratiques culturelles contemporaines, et plusieurs d’entre elles ont à voir avec la période médiévale. Il peut s’agir en premier lieu de la mise en scène d’un épisode historique, d’uneContinue reading “CFP: Moyen Âge et séries. Numéro spécial de la revue « Médiévales : Langues, Textes, Histoire »”

CFP: 15th Annual Conference of the International Medieval Society-Paris (IMS): Truth and Fiction, 28-30 June 2018

Call for Papers: 15th Annual Conference of the International Medieval Society-Paris (IMS), Truth and Fiction Deadline: 24 November 2017. In the wake of the US presidential election and the Brexit referendum, the Oxford English Dictionary chose the expression “post-truth” as its word of the year. This expression underlines the growing tendency to dismiss objective facts in favor ofContinue reading “CFP: 15th Annual Conference of the International Medieval Society-Paris (IMS): Truth and Fiction, 28-30 June 2018”

Summer School: intensive introduction to Latin language and literature of the late antique and medieval periods, Notre Dame University, June 13-July 22

Summer School: intensive introduction to Latin language and literature of the late antique and medieval periods, Notre Dame University, June 13-July 22, 2016 Apply now!  This summer, the Medieval Institute at the University of Notre Dame is offering an intensive introduction to Latin language and literature of the late antique and medieval periods (please see theContinue reading “Summer School: intensive introduction to Latin language and literature of the late antique and medieval periods, Notre Dame University, June 13-July 22”

Call for Papers: Writing Britain, 500-1500, (University of Cambridge, 30 June-2 July 2014), deadline 20 February 2014

Writing Britain is a biennial event which aims to draw on a range of approaches and perspectives to exchange ideas about manuscript studies, material culture, multilingualism in texts and books, book history, readers, audience and scribes across the medieval period. The 2014 iteration of the Writing Britain Conference will take place in the English FacultyContinue reading “Call for Papers: Writing Britain, 500-1500, (University of Cambridge, 30 June-2 July 2014), deadline 20 February 2014”