Call for papers: Villes/Cities – 12th Annual Symposium of the International Medieval Society, Paris (25 -27 June 2015)

12th Annual Symposium of the International Medieval Society, Paris
Dates: 25 -27 June 2015, Paris, France

Deadline for Abstracts: 30 January 2015

UPDATE: Programme now available

Centre Malher, 9 rue Malher, 75004 Paris, France, June 25 – 27, 2015
Registration deadline: Jun 12, 2015


12th Annual Symposium of the International Medieval Society (Paris),
presented in conjunction with the Laboratoire de médiévistique
occidentale de Paris (LAMOP, Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Jeudi 25 Juin /Thursday June 25th

9:00-9:30 Welcome / Accueil et inscriptions

9:30-10:00 Introduction: Sarah Long and Fanny Madeline

Boris Bove,
“De l’histoire des villes à l’histoire urbaine : état des lieux du
champ historiographique”

11:30-12:00 Pause café

Session 1: Acteurs et morphologie urbaine / The Form of the City
Chair: Fanny Madeline
Kathryn E. Salzer, “Creating the Physical Localities of Medieval
Annarita Teodosio and Simona Talenti, “Salerne, capitale normande”
Catherine Barrett, “Concepts of urban development in town charters of
the counts of Toulouse and their Lieutenants”

Lunch/pause déjeuner

Session 2: La pensée politique de la ville / Political thought and the
Chair: Julian Führer
Nicole Hochner, “Nicole Oresme (c. 1320-1382) et la ville”
Daniele Dibello, “Aristotelian thought and governance of a medieval
city-state: the case of Venice”

16:00-16:30 Pause café

Session 3: La ville représentatée / The City in images
Chair: Anna Russakoff
Caroline Ziolko, “Ville, regard et imagerie médiatique”
Caroline Simonet, “Les villes sigillaires : topographies utopiques et
traces du réel”
Juliette Dumasy, “Plans et vues de villes en France à la fin du Moyen

18:00-19:00 Assemblée générale / IMS- Paris board meeting

19:30 Dîner/Dinner, remise du prix de l’IMS-Paris 2015

Vendredi 26 Juin/ Friday June 26th

Emma Dillon
“Listening to the medieval city: perspectives from musicology and sound

11-11.30 Pause café

Session 4: Les fonctions rituelles de l’espace urbain / Ritual
functions of urban spaces
Chair: Kristin Hoefener
Ewoud Waerniers, “Ritual use of the urban space in times of communal
unrest. Cambrai, c. 1150-1227”
Tova Leigh-Choate, “The Sacred Topography of Medieval Paris: Relics,
Routes, and Song in the City of Saint Denis”
Jeannette D. Jones, “La sainte épine: Ritual at the Bourbonnais Court
in Moulins”

Lunch/ pause déjeuner

Session 5: Les usages sociaux et symboliques de la ville / Social and
symbolic uses of the city
Chair: Sarah Long
Nathan A. Daniels, “ ‘Pour un vers de chanson’: Minstrels, Guilds, and
the Social Construction of Urban Space in the Fourteenth Century”
Troy J. Tice, “Penitential Paris: Thomas of Bailly and the Penitential
Anxieties of Medieval Parisians”
Margaret E. Hadley, “French Pilgrims’ Internal Paths through Jerusalem
via Arma Christi Miniatures”

16:00-18:00 Visite/visit – Medieval Paris

Samedi 27 juin/ Saturday June 27

Carol Symes
“L’espace public à Londres et Arras, 1086-1215: Cultures documentaires,
coutumes urbaines, et libertés civiques”

11:00-11:30 Pause café

Session 6: Comparer les villes / Comparing cities
Chair: Mary Franklin-Brown
Martin Schwarz, “Old Paris, New Athens: Translatio Studii in the Vie de
St Denis (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Ms fr 2090-2)”
Emerson S. F. Richards, “New Jerusalem and Old Manuscripts: Text and
Image Representations of New Jerusalem in 13th century French and
English Manuscripts”
Frans W. G. W. Camphuijsen, “Late medieval law courts and urban space:
the cases of Paris and Utrecht”

Lunch/ pause déjeuner

Session 7: Le développement urbain: les villes de Champagne/ Urban
development: the towns of Champagne
Chair: Raeleen Chai-Elsholz
Claire Bourguignon, “Approche de la fabrique d’une ville médiévale:
Troyes (Aube) au tournant du haut Moyen Âge et du Moyen Âge central”
Cléo Rager, “Aménagements municipaux et identité urbaine : voirie et
«voyeurs» à Troyes au XVe siècle”
Julien Briand, “Un théâtre du pouvoir : la ville de Reims en ses
registres (XIVe-XVe siècles)”

16:00-16.30 Conclusions

16.30-17:00 Final discussion

18:00 Closing apéritif

More information:

Keynote Speakers: Emma Dillon (King’s College, London), Carol Symes
(University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), and Boris Bove (Université
Paris VIII).

The International Medieval Society, Paris (IMS-Paris) invites abstracts and session proposals for our 2015 symposium on the theme of cities in Medieval France. After the decline of late-antique cities in the course of the fifth and sixth centuries, a revival of cities began in the course of the eleventh century. This phenomenon, which profoundly transformed the dynamics of the West to our day, is a field of research that has been enriched in pace with archeological discoveries and by new technologies that offer original perspectives and approaches. This symposium will approach new lines of investigation that will deepen our knowledge of medieval cities (11th – 15th centuries) not only in their cartographic and monumental dimensions, but also political and cultural ones.

The question of the construction of urban space could be explored in a
variety of ways:

– Through its material dimensions, consisting of different forms of cityscapes, its urbanism, and its architecture.
– Through uses of space and their performative function. For instance,the role of rituals and urban processions, how music and theater contribute to the establishment of urban space in its practical use and representations.

We also wish to explore urban culture, which consists of material, intellectual, or spiritual culture, including:

– The role of writing in the development of a literate, mercantile culture, and new modes of government
– The daily lives of city dwellers: their lifestyles and patterns of consumption, their culinary tastes, etc.
– The development of practices related to the rise of intellectual institutions (schools, universities, patronage, mendicants, etc.)

Finally, we wish to explore the question of visual representations of the city and in the city, notably:
– The ways in which cities were represented in the Middle Ages, and how medieval cities are represented now
– Models for cities and the role of imaginary cities in the construction of urban spaces

Proposals should focus on France between the eleventh and fifteenth centuries, but do not need to be exclusively limited to this period and geographical area. We encourage proposals and papers from all areas of medieval studies, such as anthropology, archeology, history, economic and social history, art history, gender studies, literary studies, musicology, philosophy, etc.

IMS-Paris Graduate Student Prize:

The IMS-Paris is pleased to offer one prize for the best paper proposal
by a graduate student. Applications should consist of:

1) symposium paper abstract/proposal
2) current research project (Ph.D. dissertation research)
3) names and contact information of two academic references

The prizewinner will be selected by the board and a committee of honorary members, and will be notified upon acceptance to the Symposium. An award of 350 euros to support international
travel/accommodations (within France, 150 euros) will be paid at the Symposium.

Proposals of 300 words or less (in English or French) for a 20-minute paper should be e-mailed to no later than 30 January 2015. Each should be accompanied by full contact information, a CV, and a list of audiovisual equipment you require.

Please be aware that the IMS-Paris submissions review process is highly competitive and is carried out on a strictly blind basis. The selection committee will notify applicants of its decision by e-mail by February 26th 2014.

Titles of accepted papers will be made available on the IMS-Paris website. Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for their own travel costs and conference registration fee (35 euros, reduced for students, free for IMS- Paris members).

The IMS-Paris is an interdisciplinary, bilingual (French/English) organization that fosters exchanges between French and foreign scholars. For the past ten years, the IMS has served as a center for medievalists who travel to France to conduct research, work, or study.
For more information about the IMS-Paris and the program of last year’s symposium, please visit our website:

Published by J.A. Cameron

James Alexander Cameron is a freelance art and architectural historian with a specialist background and active interest in architecture and material culture of the parish churches, cathedrals and monasteries of medieval England in their wider European context. He took a BA in art history and visual studies at the University of Manchester, gaining a university-wide award for excellence (in the top 30 graduands of the year 2008/9), and then went to take masters and PhD degrees at The Courtauld Institute of Art, London.

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