Online Course: IUS ILLUMINATUM: Legal Illuminated Manuscripts Between Art, History and Literature (29 August – 9 September 2022)

The IUS ILLUMINATUM International Summer Course will take place under the purview of the “Escola de Verão” of the  Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH) of the NOVA University in Lisbon 2022 on the topic: Legal Illuminated Manuscripts Between Art, History and Literature. The course will run online from 29 August to 09 SeptemberContinue reading “Online Course: IUS ILLUMINATUM: Legal Illuminated Manuscripts Between Art, History and Literature (29 August – 9 September 2022)”

Online Course: Religious Cultural Heritage: Concepts and Issues in the Modern Middle East (14 & 21 October 2022)

This is a two-day introductory course on the theme of religious cultural heritage (RCH) in the Middle East. It aims to contextualise RCH as the living cultural heritage of its community of users. In addition, the course attempts to present RCH as a contemporary construct of its socio-political and religious context through its connections toContinue reading “Online Course: Religious Cultural Heritage: Concepts and Issues in the Modern Middle East (14 & 21 October 2022)”

Short Course: ‘Islam and Creativity in Popular Culture’, Online 12, 19 and 26 September 2022, 13:30 – 16:00 BST

This is a three-day online course that addresses the many new expressions of mass mediated creative arts that make reference to Islam. These expressions may be motivated by a wish to express an Islamic interpretation or spirituality, but they may also be for other reasons, such as from anti-racism or critical perspectives. Muslims, as wellContinue reading “Short Course: ‘Islam and Creativity in Popular Culture’, Online 12, 19 and 26 September 2022, 13:30 – 16:00 BST”

Online Course: Manuscripts in Arabic Scripts- Introduction to Codicology, 12th-13th May 2022

This online course aims to introduce key concepts in the field of Arabic manuscripts and codicology. It is designed to attract participants who want to learn basic knowledge about Arabic manuscripts. The first day will provide an overview of the field of codicology and its role in the manuscript field in general and in identifyingContinue reading “Online Course: Manuscripts in Arabic Scripts- Introduction to Codicology, 12th-13th May 2022”

Online Course: Mapping Worlds – Medieval to Modern, Warburg Institute, 25th-29th April 2022 3:00-5:00pm (BST)

Course tutor: Alessandro Scafi (Senior Lecturer in Medieval and Renaissance Cultural History) The aim of this course is to explore how maps have served to order and represent physical, social and imaginative worlds from around 1200 to 1700. The focus is on the iconographic character of maps and the complex relation between art and scienceContinue reading “Online Course: Mapping Worlds – Medieval to Modern, Warburg Institute, 25th-29th April 2022 3:00-5:00pm (BST)”

Online Course: Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, 13th-24th June 2022

This two-week introductory course is open to graduate students, advanced undergraduates, faculty, and independent scholars with a research interest in Arabic manuscripts. The course will introduce students to the study of Arabic manuscripts in their historical, cultural, and material dimensions and to a diversity of Arabic manuscript traditions from West Africa and the Middle East,Continue reading “Online Course: Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library, 13th-24th June 2022”

Online Course: ‘Manuscripts in Arabic Script: Introduction to Codicology’, Aga Khan University, 15–16 November 2021

This online course aims to introduce key concepts in the field of Arabic manuscripts and codicology. It is designed to attract participants who want to learn basic knowledge about Arabic manuscripts.

Online Course: ‘Warfare in Muslim Material Cultures: From Egypt to Bilad al-Sham’, 22-29 November 2021, The Aga Khan University

The course presents Muslim material cultures in a very specific context: warfare in the Middle East and Egypt during the Medieval and Modern Ages. Most of the arms and armour which will be presented during the course are from the Royal Armouries’ collections, from some of its most well-known treasures to objects rarely made available for public view.

Online Course: Mosques in Sub-Saharan Africa with Aga Khan University, 21 and 28 May 2021, 13:30 – 16:30 (GMT)

This short course provides the basis for understanding and critically examining the development of Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa. It approaches architecture through building materials and African construction techniques, from earthen monuments to coral stone buildings.