Conference: ‘Imago & Mirabilia. The forms of the prodigy in the Medieval Mediterranean’, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, 18-20 October 2018

imago_cat_x1500International Symposium on the forms of the prodigy in the Medieval Mediterranean. It will bring together scholars from all areas of medieval history around the marvelous and its image in the Middle Ages.

The symposium will talk about how on an ancient substrate, reworked by the Christian tradition, a diversity of places, stories and beliefs were shaping the profiles of the prodigy to the Middle Ages. Reactivated by the opening of the Mediterranean, religious, commercial or military trips extended cults, stories and precious objects through Christianity. The real and imaginary adventure confronts the protagonists with fabulous characters and places. The cult of Eastern saints will find anchor points in the West where, on occasions, they will develop with as much or more intensity than in their place of origin, an evident symptom of their polycentric character.

The symposium will take place from October 18th to October 20th, 2018, in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona. More information can be found on the museum’s website.

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