CFP: International Postgraduate Workshop on Medieval Religious Architecture (28th September – 3rd October 2016)

Deadline: 29th of April 2016

IMG_4177After the success of the first workshop in 2015, we are glad to announce that in this year the second International Postgraduate Workshop on Medieval Religious Architecture will take place, again made
possible with the generous support of the Elisabeth und Helmut Uhl Stiftung.

This call for applications addresses postgraduate students as well as recent post-docs of multiple disciplines, whose work focuses on the period between the 9th and 14th century. For them, the workshop strives
to be a platform for the discussion of their research projects related to architecture, mobile and immobile furnishing, as well as questions of use. We encourage architectural and art historians as well as theologians, historians, archeologists or building researchers to apply.

Here, young scholars will receive the chance for a free,
institutionally independent discourse. This discourse, toggling aspects
of each participant´s current research, can evolve in a frame of
multidisciplinary objectives and cognitive interests. The detailed
discussion of questions relating to the content of the research
projects will be complimented by personal encounter and conversation
matter of organization and future career possibilities. The appropriate
space is created by the Buchnerhof, erected 2013 as remarkable creation
of contemporary architecture high above the Etsch-valley in the
mountains of Southern Tyrol.

The workshop will take place between the 28.09. and the 03.10.2016,
there will be 12 participants. Applications of doctoral candidates as
well as post-docs, in German or English, are possible and welcome. We
would kindly ask for the submission of applications until the 29th of
April 2016.

Applications should include a short curriculum vitae and an abstract of
the applicant’s current research project (in pdf format respectively),
including the following:
– PhD topic, a short summary of the main research question, applied
– Supervisor and scheduled deadline for the completion
– Current progress and issues to be presented/ discussed during the

In order to prepare a fruitful exchange of ideas, all participants will
receive the abstracts of the other contributions before the workshop.
Each contributor will dispose of one hour of time in total, which can
be allocated to the presentation of the topic and the subsequent
discussion at his/her own discretion.

The estate is located in the mountains, 50 minutes walking distance
from the village of Leifers. The foundation will organize a transport
of the luggage from the train station in Leifers and ensures the
highest possible independence of the event through covering the
expenses of accommodation and meals. Further information on the
foundation can be found here:

The organizers will be glad to support participants in organizing their
journey (e.g. through car-sharing). Limited travel subsidies will be

After the workshop, a field-trip of several day´s duration to the
medieval churches of the surroundings is intended, during which the
discussion and exchange can be continued and intensified. Expenses for
this field trip will have to be covered by the participants and will
amount to approx. 35 € per night. Applicants are kindly asked to state
in their application, if interested in participating in the field-trip.

Applications should be sent until 29th of April 2016 to:

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